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General Primary Care
News, opinions and meeting coverage in primary care.
Pay and Practice: Are Neurologists Primary Care Docs?
WASHINGTON -- Neurology isn't often mentioned in the same breath as primary care, but the American Academy of Neurology is again lobbying to gain that sobriquet -- this time to take advantage of a recent policy change that benefits primary care providers.
Jan 15, 2014
Droxidopa for OH Slammed by FDA Reviewers
SILVER SPRING, Md. -- Droxidopa (Northera) is getting a second look by an FDA advisory committee for the treatment of orthostatic hypotension stemming from neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease, but an agency review doesn't look promising for approval.
Jan 13, 2014
10 Questions: Rep. Phil Gingrey, MD (R-Ga.)
If you could change one thing about the healthcare system, what would it be? Eliminate Obamacare, says Rep. Phil Gingrey, MD (R-Ga.). That's his answer to just one of the 10 Questions the 51˶ staff is asking leading clinicians, researchers, and leaders in their community to get their personal views on their chosen profession. In this series we share their uncensored responses.
Jan 03, 2014
Killing Pain: Tramadol the 'Safe' Drug of Abuse
Almost 2 decades have passed since the FDA approved tramadol as a 'safe' opioid, but the intervening years provide evidence to question that 'safe' claim, as this latest investigation by John Fauber for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel-51˶ revealed.
Dec 22, 2013
OncoBlog: Driving the CAR to a Cancer Cure?
Is immunotherapy with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-directed T cells the "next big thing" in oncology? Presentations and discussion at a recent conference suggest the technology has considerable promise -- but will it qualify as a breakthrough? OncoBlog is a blog by the Medpage Today staff for readers with an interest in oncology. This post comes from Charles Bankhead.
Dec 19, 2013
10 Questions: John P. Erwin, MD
What's the biggest barrier to practicing medicine today? That's just the first of 10 questions the 51˶ staff is asking leading clinicians and researchers to get their personal views on their chosen profession. In this series we share their uncensored responses. Here, answers from John P. Erwin, MD, of Scott & White Healthcare in Temple, Texas.
Dec 04, 2013
SGR Repeal Still Gets AMA Support
NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. -- The AMA's policymaking House of Delegates voted nearly unanimously to continue its support of congressional efforts to repeal Medicare's payment formula despite its opposition to a 10-year pay freeze that's part of a draft proposal.
Nov 18, 2013