News, opinions and meeting coverage in nursing.
5 Ways Doctors Can Use Data Analytics
Data analytics takes claims data, a providers' electronic health record, and any of piece of information available to help physicians become more aware of the patients they're treating. Here are five ways the technology can help meet payers' demands for higher-quality, higher-value care.
Mar 01, 2014
Rituxan Offers Little Help for Sjogren's
Treatment for primary Sjogren's syndrome with the B-cell depleting antibody rituximab (Rituxan) failed to provide statistically significant improvements, despite the increasing evidence for B cells in the pathogenesis of this disorder, French researchers reported.
Feb 18, 2014
Pay and Practice: Are Neurologists Primary Care Docs?
WASHINGTON -- Neurology isn't often mentioned in the same breath as primary care, but the American Academy of Neurology is again lobbying to gain that sobriquet -- this time to take advantage of a recent policy change that benefits primary care providers.
Jan 15, 2014
Droxidopa for OH Slammed by FDA Reviewers
SILVER SPRING, Md. -- Droxidopa (Northera) is getting a second look by an FDA advisory committee for the treatment of orthostatic hypotension stemming from neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease, but an agency review doesn't look promising for approval.
Jan 13, 2014