Hazy on Ground-Glass Opacities? Here's What They Are Frequent finding in COVID-19, but how disease-specific is it? May 29, 2020
More Minority Physicians Needed to Reduce Health Disparities, House Members Told Pandemic has "laid bare" differences in outcomes, says Rep. Mike Thompson May 28, 2020
COVID-19 Further Strains Care Disparities Among Native Americans Underfunded IHS, isolation from resources pose major concern for tribes during pandemic May 21, 2020
Mom's Oral Fluconazole Linked to Bone and Muscle Defects in Baby Contrary to previous findings, no risk for heart defects or oral clefts May 21, 2020
Remdesivir Safety Forecast: Watch the Liver, Kidneys Data remain sparse, but a few risks are emerging May 19, 2020
AAMC Under Fire Over Issues With MCAT Rescheduling Pre-med students waited hours online after computer snafu May 18, 2020
We Don't Just Need Masks, We Need Optimal PPE Healthcare workers giving care should be protected based on evidence, not by supply May 17, 2020
Why Do Countries' COVID-19 Death Rates Vary So Much? Multiple factors at play: testing capacity, case definitions, age distribution, preparedness May 15, 2020
Clinic Pushes Inhaled Stem Cell Tx, Delivered to Your Door Companies take advantage of COVID-19 fears May 14, 2020
COVID-19 Antibiotic Overuse Puts Stewardship Efforts at Risk Researchers worry that copious prescriptions will worsen resistance problem May 12, 2020
Confirmed: Kids Can Get Severe COVID-19 Like in adults, comorbidities a major risk factor May 11, 2020
Study Backs Cytokine Targeting for COVID-19 Tx Interrupting host inflammatory response shows promise May 08, 2020
Kawasaki Disease From COVID-19 in Kids: How Common? Warnings out on inflammatory syndrome but many questions remain May 08, 2020
Detroit Children's Hospital Ousts Wayne State Pediatricians 25 doctors "squeezed in the middle" of administrative dispute May 08, 2020
When Did COVID-19 Arrive and Could We Have Spotted It Earlier? A forensic pathologist investigates May 04, 2020
Universal Face Shields for COVID-19: The New and Improved Mask? Not just for HCPs; potentially more effective and more comfortable for members of the public May 01, 2020
Miscarriage and Maternal Mortality in Pregnant COVID-19 Patients Risk is unknown but nonzero May 01, 2020
The Great Ventilator Fiasco of COVID-19 Is this one of the biggest challenges facing science? Apr 29, 2020
Will Life and Medicine Go Back to Normal After COVID-19? Milton Packer has a surprising twist for those who yearn for "normalcy" Apr 29, 2020
Derm Residents Protest Board's In-Person Certification Exam Must travel to Florida in July for required test Apr 28, 2020
It's Always 'Safety Third' in Emergency Medicine COVID-19 or not, the first priority is patients Apr 28, 2020
COVID-19 Hit NYC Kidney Transplant Recipients Hard Study "raises very serious concerns about the safety of transplant patients in this outbreak" Apr 24, 2020
High-Dose CQ Tied to Death, Cardiac Events in COVID-19 Patients Trial stopped due to prolonged QTc interval, higher rate of death in high- vs low-dose group Apr 24, 2020
NYU Leadership Gaslights Residents Over Hazard Pay Urology chair: requests are "not becoming of a compassionate and caring physician" Apr 23, 2020
Seizures and COVID-19 Italian case suggests breakthrough seizures may indicate infection Apr 23, 2020
CDC Recommends Dr. Oz Wear 'Duct Tape Mask' "These new guidelines should have been in place years ago" Apr 21, 2020
Fear of the False Negative COVID-19 Test Reports suggest dire impact on healthcare workforce -- and patient care -- if tests miss infectious providers Apr 20, 2020
'If I Have COVID-19, They Can’t Put Me in Jail' -- Wrong Limited testing availability means often "we keep our fingers crossed" Apr 20, 2020
Study: STEMI Often Not What It Appears in COVID-19 Nonobstructive disease dominates but mortality is high, New York hospitals report Apr 17, 2020
Dyspnea and COVID-19: It's All in the Timing Onset of shortness of breath can help distinguish COVID-19 from other illnesses, researchers argue Apr 16, 2020
COVID-19 Drive-Thru Test Site Shut Down Local health officials take action after clinic operators fail to produce documentation Apr 16, 2020