News, opinions and meeting coverage in geriatrics.
Acetaminophen OD More Deadly if Taken in Stages
Acetaminophen overdoses were more likely to be fatal if patients consumed a series of high doses spread over the course of a day rather than downing, say, a bottle of pills at one time, outcomes among patients admitted to a specialized liver center showed.
Nov 23, 2011
Readers Say Vitamin Levels Should Be Checked Yearly
Processed foods, mineral-depleted soil, overcooked vegetables, increased stress levels -- all of these increase the chances of having a vitamin deficiency, according to a vocal majority of 51˶ readers who commented on last week's poll.
Oct 07, 2011
FDA Blocks Sale of Supplements for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's
WASHINGTON -- The FDA filed a permanent injunction against two Minnesota companies that distributed amino acid products marketed as treatments for Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and a number of other neurological disorders.
Sep 16, 2011